So the idea behind this project was similar to the Month Movie Series; make something everyday and eventually you will be decent at it. Most people could probably make this music with a few weeks of fiddling around with software and gear. I mainly used a portable sequencing synthesizer device called the OP-Z by Teenage Engineering, and to a lesser extent Korg Volcas. These albums were all recorded and mixed live to tape -- which is mildly impressive. Basically I didn't use pre-made loops or apps or software all together, save for the final mastering where I adjusted levels and added samples. I made a bunch of "music" everyday in 2019 and every three months I released the "best stuff" in album form. Here I present you with the rotten fruits of my labor starting with; I Made Up All The Part You Love (Jan-Mar), King Millennial (Apr-June), Mondays And Mass Shootings (July-Sept), and lastly Negative Attention (Oct-Dec).